한인필독 !!

Ikel tas-Saħħa
Introduzzjoni għall-K-TOFU
portal tal-kċina
portal tal-kċina

Create a kitchener(cook) account

Kulħadd jista 'jagħmel ikel Korean.
Iċċekkja r-riċetta tal-YouTube fuq Kitchener Portal.
Oħloq kont b'xejn u ibda taqla 'flus.
Isem sħiħ
numru tat-telefon taċ-ċellula
E-Mail Indirizz
Type of kitchener

kitchener's Name
If it is a restaurant, enter the business name,
If it is a home cook, please give it a pretty name.
Kitchener ID
This is the web address of your account.
Kitchener ID must be at least 3 characters.
It must contain only English letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) and no spaces or special characters.
Il-kelma tal-qaddis
Kitchener Login
Kitchener ID or E-Mail Indirizz 
Il-kelma tal-qaddis 

Insejt il-password tiegħek?

Kitchener List

Kitchener Name(English) Kitchener Name(Local) Address States Kitchener Home
Sunny House 써니하우스 20714 43RD AVE , bayside, NY 11351 NY  Home
SODAM 소담 156-50 Northern Blvd , Flushing, NY 11354 NY  Home